Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Consistency and shitty bathrooms

We went to our favorite little haunt, which will remain nameless, and were disappointed for the first time ever. Even as we pull into the parking lot, we are saying "this place is so consistent! Always perfect!" Spoke too soon... our first not-great experience and I am not going to write on it because we have had so many great times here and I don't want my first review to be a bad one. And... I think it was the bartender's fault mostly... why sour the place because of one person and a flat, uninteresting dessert tray?
So, we left after one not yummy cocktail and went to have a margarita at the reliable Border. We didn't eat and the drinks were good, but I want to touch on just one thing... the bathrooms.
The Border packs 'em in 7 nights a week. The service is great, the food is good. Money is being made here. Why are the bathrooms so awful? You walk into a 2 foot wide space and if there's anyone else in there, you begin an uncomfortable dance to squeeze into one of the stalls without knocking someone into the sinks. The sinks, mind you, that are circa 1964. The color on the walls is nasty, the counter top old and wretched. Why won't the owners invest some money in a bathroom remodel? Seriously, why? Are your customers not worth it? Surely, this would be the ultimate in customer service...

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